Thursday, June 11, 2015

Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde

A guy messaged me at Grindr while i was at work (Mandaluyong).
It was going smoothly, he was charming and wanted me to meet him and hang out at his place n Cityland Pioneer.
We even exchanged numbers.

But then he asked for my age, position (sex and work), height and what not... so i humored him by replying, saying if was in a job application. Then he begins to trash talk me. Really nasty and disturbingly.
He also threatened to 'Out' me.

I thought that either he's disturbed up there or one of those meth heads whose high is already dissipating and he's having a 'bad trip'.

I was composing a reply to tell him i never said anything bad to him and was to inquire why he's all of the sudden so angry but he already blocked me.

Instead, he texted me and went on with his nasty lines.
I quickly replied and said that he needs not 'Out' me because i already am.
In fact I'm proud to be out and advocating for equal rights.
I told him that he might be going through something but it wasn't fair of him to burst out on a stranger (me).
I advised him to go get help because he might be really needing it.

And that if he threatens me with anything again, I just might be the one who may give him a real threat, having a relatively vast lgbt network. Last, i told him that if he's poser, he's really in trouble.

You see, he sent me pics in his acct that i recall to be the photos of a different grindr user who also chatted with me before.
But the guy was fine and i even learned that he's also llonggo and still making friends.

Attached the photo he's using.
My friend told me that the guy looks familiar and thinks the Grindr user is poser because he suspects that the guy in photo is a young actor.

Thought you Grindr fairies might come across a Romeo too and suddenly turns out to be a nut job prick.

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