Thursday, March 21, 2019

Hello From DaddyFace


Oh hey… readers… reader… passerby… if there still are any people left visiting this ancient blog.


Well, I give you a big tight hug for staying... or still checking it from time to time.

And yep… you can now call me DaddyFace, which I nicknamed myself with.

So, yeah, I have just made a new entry in a loooooong time. We'll, because I felt the sudden urge to write here. Which has always been the case for this blog and the blog I had before it.

I’m not sure though if I’ll be doing this again on a regular basis.

We’ll see.

Anyway… it’s coz I’ve just seen the second season of ‘Daddy Hunt”. LOL
Yep… I know how long ago they upped IT so sue me. But anyways... after finishing the whole serial, the closing episode hit home obviously because it made me want to write this blog entry.

I also realized how I am not only able to relate to it, it dawned on me that I still considered myself young the first time I watched that webseries… or should I say… I was still in full denial of my parting ways with my youth. Hahah!

But I guess the difference… now… that I am forced to getting used being categorized as a Daddy, myself… is that I see that I‘ve dramatically crossed the line between being able to understand both main characters to feeling that “Daddy” Greg represents me as an audience in the series, now.

Oh, btw… I’m now 41.

The final scene in season 2 showed the opening up of the characters Greg and Ben on their fears, then their restart. Greg said the age difference is such a big issue to him after denying its real deal and not speaking openly about it at first with Ben... or perhaps everyone. He admitted to fearing that he’ll hurt Ben if it didn’t work out between them.

Of course his reason is obvious to the 20something Ben even without explanation. He knows deep in him that he’s still way too young to really learn how to take a broken relationship to even attempt to argue and prove Greg is wrong.

See, the problem of admitting that you’re still too young to understand where an older, more experienced and genuine guy is the case with most people.

And don’t deny it!

Because if you do… man, I’m sorry to tell you but… you’re still an adolescent. Hahah!

Going back…
Then, Ben takes charge of his own feelings… showing that he may be young but knows what he’s getting into.

The magic words that his argument is legit?

“I know there’s a risk of getting hurt. But that’s my risk to take. So if you’re not into me, that’s one thing… but if you aren’t and you walk away now, then you suck.”

See there, guys…
A younger guy in love with an older guy who hesitates to go further will most likely say... he knows what he’s getting into and the hurt risk too. And blah… blah… whatever…!

But the difference with a younger guy who really knows the situation because he thinks with his brain and not his heart-dick… is knowing the difference between being turned down because the older guy is admitting to not really being into him and… being turned down because of the fear of hurting.

Then Greg replies, admitting the deeper truth that he is also afraid of getting hurt again at his age and might not be able to take it anymore to feel love again.

This part crushed my lungs and blood vessels. Hahah.

I have often found myself in the situation of Greg… but much early on compared to the character.
(Wow, I just have to say that because at least it’s something I find that I'm proud of about myself. This dumb-dumb finally learned to grow up.)

After breaking up with the Ex whom I was in love with the most… it was exactly the feeling inside of me. Even when I was still relatively young at that time, I was paranoid that the next doomed relationship… which I hoped would only be brief if it ever did come (and it did)… will leave me doubting if I’ll ever subject myself again to start over and/or find love again.

It’s always hard to explain to a younger guy you’re dating. Believe me. And they'll most likely hate you and cast spells on you for not trusting them and dropping them even when they know they're in fact way too good for you.

Most of them would claim they know what they want to get into... and trying hard to convince you to take the leap. Of course they all say it.

But trust me to trust your gut if you feel that they don’t. Look at it as like a little boy with tooth problems begging you that he badly needs your ice cream.

Always remember honestly how you were when you were his age. Always think for both parties even if the younger guy will hate you for it.

But hey, I can only truly speak for myself.

When I was young, I always had “what if” thoughts even when my relationship track record was spotless. Still I did think of thoughts like… “what if I’m missing a lot of things that I should still be experiencing instead of proving that I need the stability of a relationship and working hard to keep it intact?”

Obviously, my fears proved to have substance. You’ll understand what I mean if you’re a reader of mine in this blog. But if you’re new… well, the short explanation is that… I realized after so many crazy relationships and soul-crushing breakups I had that I wasted a decade of my life. And that I was responsible for losing the many other opportunities in life that I could have taken. I could’ve made a great difference in what my life today may look like.

But who knows anything anymore? We all come from different cultural generations. And for a gay guy from my own generation I still consider myself a lucky bastard of a survivor.

Gimme a break, I had no one to shower me advices when I was going through shit. Those who were like me… had to look out for our own. Most LG&B of my time were still brave cavemen trying to get in and out of their panic closet to stay alive in the open. Me on the other hand jumped out the moment I realized I'm gay.

So a big middle finger to the next ones right after us who made being closeted fashionable now and a must for all the lgbt sisiws. And bigger, stiffer middle finger to those who distorted the meaning of being bisexual.

For the N-th time people… please… If you don’t like bibingka… you’re fucking GAY so shove it up your gut. And F you if you insist you’re Bi you Bayot just because you got muscles and try desperately 24-7 to be as butch as a straight man can get.

My straight boy-friends beso me all the time and they cross their legs and hug all the time whenever they feel like it. So you’re not at all “no trace” fairy princesses.

I only got .0001 percent tolerance on these super dumb shit queens. Kalurkey lang talaga ang mga Bi-yotekla.

Going back…

Again, who knows… the youngest community warriors might be showing promise but not that obvious yet. I take my hats off to the young lesbians who are just chill and normalizing the scene for everyone. Yep, I see more gay women with their girlfriends in the open than young gay men. In fact youngsters today are misled to the concept of "the glory of pride bei g inside the closet and staying there".

Women have always been the game changer, you know. Admit it Beks. They got bigger balls... Always.

As for me… I have not been in a relationship in almost 5 years now. And I’m letting you in on a secret… I haven’t had sex too in over a year. I was surprised of myself too when I realized it’s been that long.

What I like about myself regarding these matters though is that for a change, I’m relieved that I no longer feel like a lesser person or yearning for sex… and being someone’s boyfriend, for real. Although of course why not if I get em, right? But so far, nada. And again I'm so fine with it.

And this my dear people has much to do with this topic which I myself have already felt scared of happening 8 years ago.

Right now, I got prospects but even so, I don’t get anxious. I got no problems being turned down or the “thing” fizzles out… just like the past 5 years.

Hope you enjoyed reading at least if this one didn’t make you learn something.

Stay beautiful fairies!


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