Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Paying It Forward (sharing the lessons to the young)

The internet connection was hell the last several days, so i just read all my messages from other sites. One in particular warmed my heart. And i composed a reply right away. But when i sent it, i discovered that the user already erased his account.

I thought I'd just share my message to him to everyone and hope some could find some use of it.


PR user (not his handle)

20. Jul. 2014 - 15:30
Good afternoon bro! are you also looking for partner? I am Mike, is it okay to get your number #? if we are on the same boat, i mean if you are looking for partner too.
Wish you're the man i'm looking for. I'm a I.T. guy along Ayala Ave

hey there.

whoa, heavy stuff there. hahah
cheer up.

you know what, of course i'd love to have a genuinely working relationship someday too but i'm not hurrying.
actually, one just ended a couple of months ago and i'm still in that annoying phase. you know what i mean.

anyway, it's flattering what you're offering and you're cute. :-)
i guess we could hang out, it's all i can offer honestly.
but i know we'll get along. i'm great around guys like you.

hey, now... you know, people shouldn't ask for a partner. it doesn't happen that way. we shouldn't rush in, it doesn't work that way either.

you know, you're so young and aggressive and wanting to discover a lot of things.
that includes all the sexual politics.

don't hurry. believe me, there's nothing to rush into. relationships are just like everything else. it arrives at a plateau.

yeah, that's the truth. again, you're young and you're bound to make a lot of failures. it's natural. nobody escapes that.

just let yourself receive 'em. but always learn from them. it's their gift. treat it as the yang for the yin.

so go out, date, have sex (safe sex of course), get into an affair, but put no pressure.
just experience it and let it guide you on how to go about it. controlling never works,
i promise you that. be ready to exchange compromises in time. get to know people, different people.
learn how to listen more, it guides you with what and how to talk... like 'really' talk.

there's no 'perfect partner' or the 'right one'. i think you already know that.
whoever it is you are with, you both should make efforts to be deserving of each other.
that's how 'the right one' is born.

if only one puts up the effort, it's bound to get ugly before the affair expires.
and if it doesn't work out even with little efforts just let it go. then move on.

just always think that in the end, you'd still be the better guy put up efforts and unafraid of it. our hearts are big enough to do that.
we'll never run out of love to share. so, don't be jaded. always give what you can.

it's not all that bad. we are all part of a give and receive world. and demanding to receive comes with a price so, you should learn exactly when and how to do it.

if it's not really right to demand (and you'll feel it isn't. just be true to your self)... DON'T! just let go.

after experiencing all these, the product is a better more mature and prepared lover.

and then, you'll realize they suddenly just gravitate to you. and because you'd be wiser by then you'll know who is the better one to try grow a potential relationship with.

so, for now... just chill. ride with the waves, you're driving in the fast lane.
go with the flow and let it take you places.

guys like you...? you got better chances to become 'a beautiful partner'. you're honest. unafraid of getting your feelings into the open. it means you're open to exchanges.
and always, an open minded person will have a lot of advantages compared to the rest.

stay that way. and stay charming. keep smiling even if you just have to. that's how genuinely tough people do it.

have a fine day Mr. Romantic.
thanks for making me smile too.

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