Sunday, August 19, 2012

The Victim Drama

It bothered me that a friend didn't take my criticism of him rationally.

I didn't even tell him about it yet... I ranted about it in the last entry I posted here.

After last Wednesday, he kept on texting and calling me and asking why I don't reply to him anymore. On my end, I was reserving the serious talk with him for a much better time when I'm already feeling more conversational with him.

You see, I do not trust myself to be forcing a confrontation when I'm still angry. People have always known me to be silent with them when I'm still mad... that includes him.

My last entry wasn't even totally about him. It was about my own personal frustrations on people who treat me with a low level of consideration.

I didn't get to sleep last night because like the past two weeks, I'm spending the weekend at Carl's. And with the couple sleeping on their bed, I always find it hard to squeeze in and find myself a space. So I turned in after they got up at 8am. Woke up at around noon and learned about the text message the friend texted another friend about the issue.

Apparently, he found a way to make it seem like it was about him again and yes, the victim drama. He was already making a big deal about my blog asking my other friend if he's really willing to give up years of friendship because of his few petty mistakes and flaws.

It hurt me because he had the guts to feel wronged and already jumped into conclusions and in a way throwing back the blame on us... well, not me directly but our other friend... while the issues about him in the first place were never acknowledged. For weeks... I never even received a single apology from him after all the inconvenience and offenses he made.

It pressured me to read my last entry... to see if I was making sense and delivered a point or just plainly complained about the things I dislike about him (on the part where I was talking about him).

I was really taken aback by his two long text messages to my other friend. To consider that it was me whom he has an issue with... not our common close friend. But he never sent me even a shorter version of that text. Which I now feel is because he actually realized (finally)... that he offended me not only once but several times in the past two weeks with his inconsistencies, insensitivity and inconsiderate attitude.

That... or simply, I do not mean as much to him as a person (if not as a friend) as our other friend.

In the end, I don't see how I violated him by blogging about my issue about him since I never said anything untrue. I also never mentioned who he is nor it is his right to feel maltreated because my blog is my turf and it is not my fault if he "accidentally" read my blog which he never really had interest on from the start.

Now... I don't know if he still deserves that talk which I was reserving for him because he never even respected my space after the offenses he gave me.

It hurts me that I made him feel bad by the things I said... but again, reality as they say hurts. And if it is through this... the hard way... that he finally learns how to considers the welfare of others... especially the ones who value him... then be it.

I will always claim my right to be respected too.

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