Saturday, September 8, 2012

Hooking Up 101 #1: ONLINE

(This is just the first of a series so watch out for more of these to come. You may also want to add more to the list, feel free to post on the comments section.)

When you're looking for a hook up in let's say... PR... and you decided to start the ball rolling by sending a message to a guy you like in the gallery... and the guy replies... but only giving you his number and not a sentence or even a 'hi!' with it...

...that more or less means... he just wants to have a one time only sex.

So the moral of the story is that... should you go for it... of course, protect yourself (duh!)... don't expect anything more than that... and don't you DARE turn chmmy chummy... you're only going to humiliate yourself to him... and worse to your worst critic... yourself.

Aaaahhhy... promise!

Now, if suddenly... something unexpected happens... like he talks to you and asks more about you as a person... like he suddenly likes you... then consider that as just a bonus. Again, don't start making assumptions... 'di ka 'Assumtion-ista'. LOL

Let him display more solid gestures to prove your building up theory and then, that's the time you reciprocate. Okay?

The higher moral of the story (hahah)... is to learn how to always keep your expectations low... not only on the aspect of dating... but on everything in life.

less expectations... less disappointment.


  1. I posted the link of this in a gbt site and got a reply.

    the guy said "It's better to be unhappy alone than to be unhappy with someone."

  2. I have yet to venture into full casual / anonymous sex in my explorations.

    I don't know if that should disappoint me.

  3. hey.

    yeah, hahah. but why should it disappoint you? the best way to meet someone would still be when you're not dying to look for one. hanging out in a 'regular' bar (not palawan or any of the type) and going out of your way to meet and get to know someone there is still the better tactic.

    that way you see the guy face to face, all questions (both sides) are answered right away... of course with the benefit of knowing if he's bluffing or anything... and you get to check out the whole real package. hahah

    1. I'm really bad at in-person social situations, in my experience thus far. So the whole bar scenario doesn't really work - plus I'm not exactly the image of the stereotypical gay man ideal. Thus my online prospeecting has been a wee bit better, if only because I'm a bit more assured that I talk to people who actually like guys with more than just a little extra meat on their bones.
